The SEEG is an invasive diagnostic technique developed in France in the 1960s by Bancaud and Talairach in the Sainte-Anne hospital. It involves the implantation of multiple microelectrodes using stereotactic technique. Designing a correct implantation scheme requires many years of practice and experience. Its goal is the evaluation of an anatomo-electro-clinical correlate in the generation and propagation of seizures. Therefore, the analysis of these records allows us to know the spatio-temporal dynamics of epileptic seizures related to semiology with a high degree of anatomical precision.
SEEG Indications
Polymicrogyria (PMG)
Tuberous Sclerosis (TSC)
Focal Cortical Dysplasia (CFD)
Periventricular Heterotopias (HPV)
RNM negative (not lesional)
Implementation planning using 3DSlicer and multimodal analysis PET-RM.
SEEG Postprocessing for accurate electrode location using Freesurfer and MNI atlases.
Example of SEEG in non-lesional temporal epilepsy.
Example of bilateral SEEG in insular epilepsy.