Commission on Smoke-free Hospitals

Description and objectives

The commission was created in 2000 with the aim of ensuring that there was no smoking in the MAR Health Park  centres, thereby complying with the relevant legislation within a responsive legal framework. The initial aims, linked to the Health and Safety Committee, concerned the need to protect the health of patients and staff, and the provision of areas where smoking would be permitted temporarily. In parallel to this, it was considered essential to initiate a cultural change within the organisation, with the aim that it would become accepted as a norm that there was no smoking in our centres.

Activities and Results

Initially the activities were centred on the Hospital del Mar. The various meetings that took place have led to different actions. These activities are not intended to be an anti-smoking campaign. The aim is to carry out a number of original actions to promote awareness and respect towards others. The activities were:

  • A survey on the prevalence of the smoking habit amongst Hospital staff.
  • Joining the network of smoke-free Catalan hospitals, led by the ICO; and later by the European Union.
  • Awareness Campaign in 2002, to mark the International No Smoking Day, with performances and a main ceremony. Additionally, a communication plan was set up, both internally, for our own staff, and externally, aimed at the people who use our hospitals, with visual media, documentation, etc.
  • Provision of areas for smokers. Measurements of smoke in the environment.
  • Clinic for giving up smoking


The success of this programme has been shown by the number of original actions carried out to promote awareness and respect for the problem of sharing spaces with passive smokers. And the development and application of a legal framework within the hospital centres, where the sharing of space between smokers, ex-smokers and non-smokers is not possible.

Future prospects

  • The extension of the Commission and "Smoke-free Hospitals" programme to all MAR Health Park centres.
  • Carrying out a survey on compliance and prevalence.
  • Acting on those areas and people still requiring attention.
  • Incorporating the project into all hospital documentation, where possible (medical documents, admission…).
  • Adapting the clinic for giving up smoking to the new requirements.

Professional team involved

This is a multidisciplinary team, made up of all of the social groups represented in the company: Healthcare professionals, communications staff, human resources staff, and workers' representatives.

Social commitment

  • Social commitment
  • Top 20
  • HPH Catalunya - Xarxa d'Hospitals i Centres Promotors de la Salut
Collaborating entity

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