
  • ATTRACTION: Percentage of admissions attended to by the Hospital del Mar and Hospital de l'Esperança, in the districts of Ciutat Vella and Sant Martí.
  • Rate of substitution for major out-patient surgery (CMA): Admissions made for the Major Out-patient Surgery out of the total of admissions that may be made for Major Out-patient Surgery attended to in the hospitals. This year, in the Consorci Sanitari de Barcelona (Barcelona Healthcare Consortium) new criteria have been set for identifying the pathologies that may be treated within Major Out-patient Surgery, based on surgical procedure.

  • Number of complaints per activity: The number of complaints in relation to the whole of the hospital's activity, considered in terms of workload.
  • PASSIR: Programa d'Atenció a la Salut Sexual i Reproductiva (Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Programme)
  • PADES: Programa d'atenció domiciliària, equip de suport (Programme for Home Healthcare, support team). 

  • Average Weights: approach to the complexity understood in terms of resource consumption, based on the average of the relative weight associated to each GRD. The weightings used are the relative Medicare weights (USA).

  • Pressure of emergency care: Percentage of patients hospitalised due to emergencies.

  • Origins: Percentage of admissions of residents in the districts of Ciutat Vella and Sant Martí out of the total of admissions to the Hospital del Mar and Hospital de l'Esperança.

  • RAE: Programme for the reordering of specialists' activity in primary healthcare.

  • Reingressos no programats a l'hospitalització (Non-programmed Readmissions with hospitalisation: Percentage of patients that have been urgently readmitted to the hospital less than 30 days after their discharge.
  • Non-programmed repeat surgery: Percentage of patients that have undergone urgent surgery less than 30 days after a previous operation.
  • Standard Functioning Rate (SFR): The rate between the average stay in the hospital and the average stay adjusted by diagnosis. The standard used is the same as the one for the hospital the previous year.
  • Standard Mortality Rate: The rate between the deaths in the hospital and the deaths adjusted for diagnosis and risk factor. The standard used is the same as the one for the hospital the previous year.
  • Basic Care Unit with care criterion: Basic Care Unit restricted to purely care-related concepts: Hospital stays, visits, emergencies, minor surgery and day hospital. 

  • UFISS: Interdisciplinary Social Health Care Functional Unit

  • HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
  • HCV: Hepatitis C Virus.

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